Art for Puzzling Personalities

Hello world! I am Melanie “AiMEiRi” Wong, a modular origami artist based in New Jersey. My work is inspired by geometric puzzles in which multiple pieces create a larger object. Think of my art as Legos, but instead of Lego blocks I use folded paper pieces. I create art for fellow puzzling personas who appreciate the intersection between hard mathematics and creativity. Other things you should know about me:

  • Before becoming an artist, I started as a crafter and won the 2023 Craft Industry Alliance Scholarship.
  • I have a bachelor’s degree in computer science.
  • My DIY and art skills have helped me network professionally as a technical communicator.

When I’m not designing origami installations, I can be found playing video games, improving my web design skills, and working on DIY home improvement projects.

If you want to know more, here are 3 things you don’t know about me:

  • I am a board game and puzzle enthusiast.
  • I played Tetris DS religiously as a child.
  • I’m surprisingly bad at Puzzle League and Dr. Mario.

Feel free to stay connected by messaging me directly at or filling out the form below to join my email list.

Artist Statement

After the Silicon Valley Bank crashed in 2023, I pursued my passion for origami and applying geometric concepts artistically. During my K-12 education, I suffered from severe depression and social anxiety and was often placed on medical leave. After completing my school work at home I spent my time practicing origami. Despite growing up with a lack of social opportunities, I found solace in solitude and in the art of origami by infusing my social trauma into my artistic perspective. 

Having to navigate the mental health system since I was young, I am familiar with how institutions will use any imperfection or weakness as a reason to keep you away from society. There are no rewards for minor progress and there are harsh punishments for violating the set rules. Origami is an art of perfection. You must have clean folds. You must use the appropriate materials. How the art piece looks in your head is what your final product should be. Origami is art through abiding by the rules. However, there has always been a part of me that wants to deviate. My art is that deviation: the result of implementing cold hard math as a form of self-expression.m not designing origami installations, I can be found playing video games, improving my web design skills, and working on DIY home improvement projects.